Samsung Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE camera comparison, best phone under rs 20K

7 Просмотры
0:00 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Introduction
1:04 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Long shot (HDR off)
3:05 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Long shot (HDR on)
4:18 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Wide-angle shot
5:10 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Hi-res shot
6:50 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Close up shot
7:52 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Macro shot
8:29 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Portrait shot
9:44 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Daylight video
11:11 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Low light shot
11:57 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Night mode on shot
12:49 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Low light video
14:00 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Low light selfie
14:30 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Selfie with flash
14:58 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Daylight selfie
15:43 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Portrait selfie
16:24 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Selfie video
18:17 Galaxy M31s vs Vivo V20 SE: Verdict

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